Favourites Trilogy | Vol.1

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Just Some Stuff I've Been Digging Lately... 

We are 1/3 of the way through the year. How insane is that?!
This Sunday is a bit of a cheeky one, being the very last day of the month, so I thought I would say goodbye to the first four months of 2017 with some of my current favourites. 

Get comfortable, make a coffee and some food, and check out what I've been loving this year :)

London's Best Bits for Runners

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Running in (sort of) Central London

As the weather warms up, and with the London Marathon making most of us feel like fat sacks of shit, us Londoner's are starting to come out of our hibernation and realise that the summer body we thought we had hiding under all those layers, has somehow been replaced with a South Park cut-out. 

Hampstead Heath

A Quiet Passion | Film Review

Monday, 17 April 2017

Gamelkateinthecinema | A Quiet Passion

Director: Terrence Davies
Release: 2016
Writer: Terrence Davies
Genre: Biopic / Period Drama
Rating: PG-13 thematic elements, disturbing images and brief suggestive material

On leaving the cinema rather perplexed, I read a review in the evening standard that said “A Quiet Passion is almost very good but actually nearly intolerable, a very long two hours” and I was inclined to agree. It was a relief to find this review, as I had been starting to question my opinion, in proportion to the amount of oh-so-American, bandwagon praise this film was receiving. I was ready to attribute this to the simple fact that, perhaps, Americans just can’t make good period dramas. That was before I realised director Terrence Davies was English.


Sunday, 9 April 2017

The Barbican Centre | EC2Y 8DS

Hidden in the heart of London City, the Barbican Centre is home to apartments, art exhibitions, shops, a Library, Museum, conservatory, church, movie theatre and musical performance space. 
In fact, it's the largest performing arts space of its kind in Europe (London's still in Europe, right?).
Opened in March 1982, this ugly-pretty brutalist 35 year old has been forgotten by younger Londoners. Let me refresh your memory...

Barbican Conservatory

City Guide | Hay-On-Wye, UK

Sunday, 2 April 2017

50 Shades of Hay

Hay is a small village on the river Wye, located along the eastern border between England and Wales. Internationally known for the amount of secondhand bookshops crammed into its small streets,
Hay-On-Wye is the perfect place to escape to for a couple of days if you're in need of some quiet time to read, eat, walk and contemplate. My visit in late February was a welcome escape from the mega-stress levels of zone 1 London.