On our last day in Berlin I really wanted to go to a market, and of course see the Berlin Wall. With little (me) to no (Tyler) sleep the night before, and a late start nursing our hangovers, we arranged to meet up with our main man Sebastian and a local friend of his that he was staying with, and go check out one of the Sunday Markets.
This was the Flohmarkt im Mauerpark (Flea-market at Mauerpark) and despite being so much colder than it looks in the pictures, I enjoyed this place so much!
^ trying to decide how many cameras they can fit in their bags
I'm sure it was touristy, all these market-type places must be, but it did feel like we were among more locals than tourists here. There were food stalls, vintage, clothes, shoes, handmade jewellery, homeware - you name it. The market is set up in lines of stalls on the cobbled part of the park under the trees, while the green park space itself is used for musicians and other entertainers to perform, and places to sit down. On the far side of the park is a hill, creating a natural amphitheater, and on top of this hill there is a small playground and some small standing fragments of the Berlin Wall.

^ made me seriously consider green hair
The photos of the Wall in this post of show another part of the wall that we got to by tram. It is a pity we started the day so late, I would have gladly spent a whole day at the market! I have no idea what the temperature was that day but it felt freezing later on in the day when we were at the Wall. Poor Sebastian had both Tyler and me yelling at him to hurry because we wanted to go somewhere warm. Sorry about that homie.
^ Sebastian directing us in some creative photography
^ I felt a bit weird about it but I put my G on the wall
And so concludes Berlin. I would love to go back and visit the city in more depth one day ... watch this space
with love from Berlin