Lately I've been working at night, leaving me a bit of time in the day to exercise and eat a bit healthier. Usually after my workout I'm starving so I'll cook myself brunch. After experimenting with a few different methods of egg preparation I have come to the following conclusions about my meal:
1. It has to be easy and fast
2. It has to taste good and fill me up
3. I need to have these ingredients around from week to week
4. It is better when there is less to wash up afterwards
5. Bonus points for using organic produce.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mexican Style Eggs
- 3 organic free-range eggs (you can use as many whites as you want but stick to 3 yolks at a maximum)
- 1 zucchini
- A handful of spinach or silver- beet
- 3 small tomatoes (2 is enough if using 2 eggs)
- 1 Tbs Organic Salsa (with as little on the ingredients list as possible)
- A pinch of Paprika
- A small handful of cheese (if you can find dairy free cheese then even better)
- approx. 3 basil leaves
- Salt and pepper
- 1/2 slices of wholegrain toast
- A small about of butter for the pan
1. Crack eggs into a container. I use a large measuring up as I can sort of measure out my quantities by how full the cup is getting.
2. Finely dice zucchini + add
3. Finely cut up spinach/silver-beet
+ add
4. Cut tomatoes in half, take out the green stalk bit, cut them in half again and then into 6 small pieces + add

5. This is where the Mexican part comes in. Add one or two spoonfuls of zingy salsa to your container. If you like lots of flavour then add three! Here I am using Field Day Organic Medium Salsa.
6. Now add a dash of Paprika. Again I have an organic option here, but how bad can standard
Paprika be for you?!

7. Grate your cheeeeese. I am mildly lactose intolerant so this was a bit too much natural cheesy goodness for me, but I strongly believe that the cheese in this meal is one of the reasons why point 2. (It has to taste good and fill me up) can be ticked off the list of requirements.
8. Next add your salt, pepper and chopped basil leaves.
9. mix
10. Now would be a good time to plug in your toaster
11. Turn on your medium nonstick frying pan and melt the butter
12. Let the egg mixture fully cover the bottom of the pan, then do no move it again. Once you start to see some bubbles/movement put the lid on and leave to cook for about 5 minutes on a medium heat until the mixture turns a lighter yellow.
13. Before the eggs are ready toast the bread and butter it.
An option to complete your brunch is to make some tea. At the moment I'm liking green tea with apple or wild-berry.
14. When the eggs are done they should be one big omelette with lots of tiny air holes. When the outside turns golden they should be ready. test them by using a spatular or flipper around the edge of the pan to make sure no egg will stick when you go to take it out. Then, using your desired piece of kitchen equipment, lift up a side and check that the underneath of the eggs is a dark golden brown colour (think like a pancake, if it's black you've over cooked it).
Gently tilt the pan and slide your Mexican Eggs onto your plate.
Thanks for reading...
G x