Hi again,
I thought I'd share some of the meals I've been eating recently.
I've been trying to eat a little more healthily as I find it improves my mood and energy, and stops my body playing up i.e. bloating - who would have thought, eh!
^ Small salad of lettuce, goats cheese, cherries and prosciutto
^ Pesto pasta with smoked salmon [hiding in this picture...]
(Handmade pasta from local Oamaru pasta master Asta La Pasta!)
^ Caesar Salad (a Conrad special)
^ A salad of many ingredients, including
carrot, tomato, pine nuts, baby spinach and kale
^ Fish risotto with a side salad
^ vegetables ready for the stir fry
(peeling and chopping by Nicole McKay)
^ Honey Chicken and crispy noodle stir fry
^ BBQ chicken with roast potato, kumara, onion, pumpkin,
beets with goats cheese, and grilled zucchini
Have I made you hungry?
G x